News - ICDAR 2023 Competition on Structured Text Extraction from Visually-Rich Document Images


Competition Results Announced

Competition results have been released. From the ICDAR'24 report:

"The winners of the MapText competition are MapTest, MapText Strong Pipeline, and DINO MAP. MapTest and MapText Strong Pipeline participated in all tasks on both data sets and had the best overall performance among all performers. DINO MAP participated in task 1 and ranked place 1 and 2 for the French Land Registers and Rumsey data set, respectively. Also, we highlight DS-LP for its strong second-place rankings for task 2, task 3, and task 4 on the French Land Registers data set."

Congratulations to the participants.

The benchmark remains open indefinitely for new and ongoing submissions.

Important Dates

Note: The time zone of all deadlines is UTC-12. The cut-off time for all dates is 11:59 PM.

December 30, 2022

Website ready

January 10-12, 2023

1) Task 1&2 training dataset available

2) Task 3&4 training dataset available

March 10, 2023

1) Test set of task 1 available, submission open

March 15, 2023

1) Task 1 submission deadline

2) Test set of task 2 available and submission open

March 20, 2023

1) Task 2 submission deadline


March 6, 2023

1) Test set of task 3 available

March 10, 2023

1) Task 3 submission open

March 17, 2023

1) Task 3 submission deadline

2) Test set of task 4 available and submission open

3) Few-shot training examples of task 4 available

March 24, 2023

1) Task 4 submission deadline

March 25, 2023

Submit reproducible script and short description of the method for Task 1-4. (The detailed instructions will be uploaded.)

March 27, 2023

The notification for reproducible script submission has been sent to top-5 participants via email.

Note: Task 1&2  submission data has been extended.

Note: Task 3&4  submission data has been extended.